I spent three days in Santiago and had the freaking time of my life! We're all crazy - you have to be I mean we've left our family, friends, comforts all at the age of 16 and 17 - and literally spent the whole time getting up to crazy adventures. The flight from Auckland to Santiago was an hour delayed, so thinking we had ages so chill we had some food, used maccas internet etc. When we started to make our way up to board the flight attendants said to us all, everybody is on the plane already, turns out, the good old Chileans had decided they had brought the departing time forwards again but only notifying passengers in Spanish!
We arrived in Santiago at 11.40pm local time, somehow making up the hour delay in flight! First we went to the hotel to drop off our bags which took around an hour purely because the 7th floor button on the elevator didn't work so we spent our time going uuuuuup and doooooown. Rather than sleeping we went straight to the largest mall in South America via underground subway where I learnt the tricks and trades of ensuring my belongings stayed my belongings. Literally in this mall there was no such thing as PDA, people were making out left, right and centre, and bedroom stuff at that.
The Beach here was amazing! It was packed! there were even some of those cute people walking around selling ice-creams! hahahaha the beach attire was also very different to that of New Zealanders! I took a picture which is shown somewhere on this page.
We didn't get to bed until 2.30am and the next day we had to wake up at 7 -_-. We had a tour around the city in the morning and then went to t rotary guys house for a swim and just to relax! it was nice to unwind and have some time to chill!
The next morning we got to sleep in until 8! It was such a luxury! and were off to the airport after saying goodbye to all the exchange students staying in chile! It was such a sad time! We got so close over those 3 days!
At the airport there were so many people! There is one line for all the people going internationally and I had to wait for one hour to check in bag - weighing 23.2kg- I freaked, but then they let another guys go through whose weighed 27kg sooooooo......we went through customs at 12.50, went to sit down and then I looked at the flight board and it said we were boarding at 12.40! all four of us going to sao Paulo actually sprinted and the lady goes no 'it be 20 minute late' hahahaha s \o we have lunch etc. turns out the plane will be 2 hours delayed and somehow I have to get hold of my host family telling them this :P I try to ring mum at home, she doesn't answer, then I ring my sister, 'hello' and then I realise its like 6am in NZ, I literallu have time to say flight 2hrs late, send email before I run out of credit, because it costs 8 dollars per minute to call home! Buuuut I got to Brazil in the end!
Everyone is so lovely and welcoming! I haven't started school yet and am a little worried about that :P because I understand nothing especially when people speak fast! When they slow down they miraculously think i'm going to know the word now though and that is not the case! hahaha hopefully it will get easier and I shall update soon!
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